Sunday, November 28, 2010

I lost my wonderful days !!!

Wen i went back 2 my room,slammed my college bag on my bed, i realized tat i won t use it again in my life ever .....

I switched back my mobile frm silent to general & realized tat i won t use my left hand evr again 2 type msgs during lectures.....

while gng 2 bed i checkd if d alarm s correctly set & realized tat it s nt needed more....

just as i closd my eyes,random thoughts began 2 visit my mind & then i realized tat my college days r got over !!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Only You

With you, it's all about
voiceless communication-
always knowing exactly what to say,
but never actually having to say it.

When no one seems to be listening,

you hear.
When I hurt but don't show it,
you know.
When I turn away to hide my tears,
you see.
When I feel like I can't get through to anyone,
you understand.

Your eyes glow just for me,

and I know you're proud.
You flash your magical, healing smile my way,
and I know everything will be all right.

You know everything there is to know about me.

You know what worries me,
what keeps me up at night,
and what shames me so badly
that I can't share it with anyone.
Most importantly, though,
none of those things bother you.

You've restored my faith in people

and proved that there is a thing
called true friendship.

Losing A Piece Of My Soul

I came to you the hour I was in pain
Looking for answers, I cried to you in vain.

I shared the many skeletons hiding in my heart,
I knew then you'd be my friend,
I knew it from the start.

Troubles ran like rivers, flowing through my life,
You picked the pieces up and help me through my strife.

When home wasn't home to me no more,
You opened up your heart, and opened up the door.

We cried into night until the early morn.
We solaced each other's pain and shared our many thorns.

As time flew, the air grew thick,
I saw our friendship fading, and my heart grew sick.

The day had arrived,
When it was time to say goodbye.

Now I sit alone,
reminiscing the past I'd blown.

If Ever You Need Me

If ever you need me,
I'll be right here,
To chase away the sadness,
And wipe away a tear.

If ever you need me,

I'll be two steps behind,
To follow in your footsteps,
And hear what's on your mind.

If ever you need me,

You'll never have to fear,
That your presence isn't important,
And your love isn't dear.

If ever you need me,

I'll always be around,
To bring back the laughter,
Where deep in your heart it's found.

You'll never have to worry,

For I'll always be here,
To chase away the sadness,
And wipe away a tear.

So Much To Me

Another day is passing
And still there is no word
On how your life is going
And who is in your world

I pray you will consider

These words I write to you
I liked you in my life
Yet maybe now it's through

I don't want to see

our relationship come to an end
And I don't want to find
our lives standing still

We are moving towards the end

And we really ought to wait
Because God planted something special
Deep within our hearts

I know your life is hectic

You are busy all day through
My life is busy also
But I still think of you

I want to send my love

And remind you of these things
Just so you will know
You mean so much to me

Monday, August 30, 2010

Lost And Found

There is a storm in my heart
It tears my inside apart
I am bleeding and I am hurt
Like a wingless little bird

Then it turns dark
And for a moment I see
The pain that was inside of me
And on a journey I embark

In search of answers
In search of truth
In search of understanding
In search of you

My guiding star in darkness
Like a little stream in the desert
Everything about you seems flawless
But that is what causes the hurt

Your perfect features do not belong to me
You do not deserve my chains
You need to live and see
What it means to be free

So spread your wings and fly away
For I can not fulfill your dream
But if you should fall one day
I'll guide you and be that little stream

So go and discover it all
And know that wherever you go
Whatever you do and might feel
The only thing you need to do is call

My Best Friend

I'm not sure when it happened
But I'm very glad it did
You came into my life when
I really needed a friend

The more I get to know you

The more I know myself
And this is why I'm thankful
For you are just yourself

You and I are different

And in many ways the same
Your good ear, compassionate heart
Will always find you fame

I promise to always be here

Forever and to the end
You are the true definition of
My Very Best Friend!

My Friend

We all need someone
To talk to in our life,
A friend to whom we run
In times of stress or strife

A friend who's always there

Throughout the years,
A friend we know will care
And take away our fears.

A friend who's always near,

Waiting for our call,
To wipe away our tears,
And lift us when we fall.

A loving friend indeed,

On whom we can depend
To fulfill our every need -
Thank you, precious friend

படித்ததில் பிடித்தது

என் வாழ்க்கை 

என் விருப்பம் 


ஒவ்வொருவருக்கும் ஒவ்வொரு ஆசை - ஆனால்

அவனுக்கோ தன்னை ஒருமுறையாவது

பார்க்கவேண்டும் என்று ஆசை !

கண் பார்வையற்ற ஒருவன் !


தினமும் பலர் இரத்ததானம் செய்கின்றனர்

மருத்துவமனையில் அல்ல !

சாலைகளில் ! 

கொல்லும் புன்னகை 

மணிக்கணக்கில் பேசி


கேட்பாய் நான்

போகட்டுமா என்று...

உலகம் அழியும்

கடைசி நொடியை விட

கொடுமையாய் இருக்கும்

எனக்கு அந்த நொடி...

அடுத்து எப்ப

பாக்கலாம் என்ற

கேள்விக்கு பதில் சொல்லாமல்

சென்று விடுவாய் புன்னைகையை

மட்டும் உதிர்த்து விட்டு...

குருதி வடியும் புண்ணில்

பாய்ந்த குண்டு போல்

உன்னை காணும் வரை

அந்த புன்னைகை

கொஞ்சம் கொஞ்சமாய் என்னை

கொன்று கொண்டு இருக்கும்

True Friendship



Saturday, August 21, 2010

Unseen Friend

Although you are a friend of mine
and letters we exchange,
I wouldn't know you on the street,
and doesn't that seem strange?

You hold a place within my life,

unusual and unique;
We share ideals and special dreams,
and still, we do not speak.

I picture what I think you are,

perhaps you picture me.
An intriguing game for both of us
for someone we can't see.

So for this friendship we possess,

we owe this mail a debt,
Perhaps the charm lies in the fact
that we have never met.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

lonely i am !!!!

Lonely am I

Lonely are the nights
Lonely are the days
Lonely am I, in so many ways

Lonely are the seasons
Lonely are the years
So lonely am I, that it brings tears.

Lonely is this place
Lonely is my life
Lonely am I, that I reach for a knife

Lonely is this dark room
Lonely is my sentence
So lonely am I that I ask for repentance.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Thoughts on FRIENDSHIP

Many people will walk in and out of your life,
But only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.
To handle yourself, use your head;
To handle others, use your heart.

Anger is only one letter short of danger.
If someone betrays once, it is his fault;
If he betrays you twice, it is your fault.

Great minds discuss ideas;
Average minds discuss events;
Small minds discuss people.

He who loses money, loses much;
He how loses a friend, loses much more;
He who loses faith, loses all.

Beautiful young people are accidents of nature,
But beautiful old people are works of art.

Learn from the mistakes of others;
You can't live long enough to make them all yourself.

Friends, you and me... You brought another friend...
and we started our group... our circle of friends...
and like a circle... there is no beginning or end.

Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery.
Today is a gift.

My College Friends